So I FINALLY have a scan date, it's scheduled to take place at Woodlands Hospital on Tuesday, rather ironically it's exactly one week before the big reveal (probably a bad choice of words) and I can't decide whether or not I want the results before I have to face the media. Needless to say, we're keeping everything crossed for a big fat NED (no evidence of disease) and I will be sure to keep you posted. My priority at the moment is to keep myself sufficiently occupied in order to keep my mind off the impending news while simultaneously making the most of every single moment of sweet, sweet obliviousness. Erica started school last week at the same time that I re-enrolled onto the MBA with the encouraging news that I only have 4 more modules and a dissertation to complete at the same time as I readjust to full time work, I've come back swinging and am loving every single minute!

The hair has started to take on a life of its own and is looking scraggly enough for its first trim, luckily enough, I have an appointment with an awesome (and still secret) celebrity hairdresser in order to make myself presentable for the media circus, he had promised me a cut when the locks returned and has remained true to his word. We're also looking forward to spending next weekend in the gorgeous
Strattons Hotel thanks to the fantastic team at the
Willow Foundation, a charity who arrange special days for people with critical illnesses. I remain dumbstruck by the kindness that people continue to show, despite some unfortunate episodes where individuals continue to take advantage of my situation my faith in the human race remains intact; safe in the knowledge that the universe will always right itself.
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