Sunday, 8 February 2015

Many people are alive but don't touch the miracle of being alive - Thich Nhat Hanh

Hello all

Tardiness is unbecoming - I discovered that my blog hit 7,100 views this morning and many of them were over the last couple of days where most of you were probably looking for an update of some sort - sorry about that!

The axilliary node clearance was a success but having my arm strapped behind my head for several hours has aggravated a gnarly shoulder injury picked up on a black-run in Canada and left me with limited use of my left arm and fingers - the ability to type is returning but is ham-fisted although I'm not sure how much of that is down to the surgery or the drugs! Tomorrow's mission is to convince BUPA to pay for physiotherapy and chemotherapy at home, I feel a bit sorry for them as they have become the channel through with I vent the arguments I would otherwise be enjoying at work!

The good thing about surgery this time around is that they have managed to refine the drug cocktail to stop me from re-enacting scenes from The Exorcist every time I come around from the anaesthetic, I now seem to wake up demanding chips and Rioja with Nathan reassuring the nurses that this is, in fact, entirely normal behaviour. 

We're seeing the Oncologist tomorrow to agree the treatment plan and what to expect over the next couple of months, I'm hoping to have a week's grace so that I can get over the 2 rounds of surgery and come to terms with a new haircut (not quite decided what to go for but ideally something that doesn't fall out in huge clumps) so a trip to see you lovely people of Devon will certainly be on the cards.

Will keep you posted xx
