Well, chemo round 2 again proved to be eventful but in a way that proved to be million times better than I could have imagined...
As you will remember, we started the week with lost hair and tears but I'm finishing it with a renewed sense of confidence and a completely different perspective on just how far I've already come on this journey.
I can't begin to describe how pleased I was to be rid of the cold cap for this week's chemo session and must take my hat off to Dr Mathew who was adamant that there would be no puking this time around - he was absolutely spot-on. I've been feeling pretty nauseous and tired but I'll will take that over my previous experience any-day!
The week has been topped-off by a visit to Scruffs' of Cambridge where Garry gradually built-up my confidence with his astounding array of wigs and incredible expertise, he made me feel more feminine and confident than I have since my diagnosis (it also helps that my body hair is now falling off - awesome!)
I had always considered the description of cancer as a "roller-coaster" to be an unfortunate cliche but I honestly can't think of any better way to describe it. The experience opens your eyes to the things in your life that you truly are blessed with whilst also taking you to some pretty damn dark places. For the first time in the last 4 months I feel as though I can say that I have a handle on this and am looking to the future. #fightlikeagirl