"She'd only ever loved two things; the first was her long dark hair, the second was how she could cut it off and not feel a thing...."
Hello lovely people

I knew that I didn't want it to be done Britney-style in a public barber shop so to have a house full of family and friends with a glass of wine in hand and kids tearing around the house was absolutely perfect. I donned the requisite UWO Shave to Save tank top for the event and was surprisingly tearless throughout (I think the wine helped!). The kids asked a few questions as they passed through the kitchen but they all seemed to accept it and move-on in the beautiful way that children do.
I'm liking the idea of a Kelly Osbourne style purpleish wig but have been unable to locate one as-yet, wigs and scarves can indeed be fun to shop for and many of you have so kindly offered to help on the expeditions!
Chemo round 2 starts tomorrow and I'm not sorry to admit that I'm glad I won't have to put up with the ice cap again. My Oncologist is adamant that there will be no more trips back to hospital this time around and I will gladly hold him to that! The installation of my SmartPort will also make the process far easier and will allow me to lie on the sofa watching mind-numbing tv rather than being hooked up to all sorts of cables and machines.
I will certainly keep you posted.....